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A grey-wash photo of a stand of birch trees with the trunk of one birch tree as the center focal point.




Not only do we partner with organizations to relieve their pain and reach their aspirations, we teach organizational development skills to professionals inside companies. In fundamental and intensive courses, those in human resources and management learn the overall process, how to assess and communicate issues so they can be heard, and how to create plans for sustainable change.


Organizational Development skills can be applied for supporting authentic leaders, building healthy teams and organizations, and improving relations with a broader community and world. The perspective and skills work cross-culturally: we have consulted for companies and taught courses in the U.S. and 15 other countries.

Elaine is one of the strongest organizational development consultants with which I have worked. Elaine can adapt to shifting priorities quickly, and based on her years of solid consultancy, come up with alternative approaches that drive towards the intended outcome.

Lisa Kapinski

Director, Global Diversity & Inclusion, Microsoft, Berlin, Germany

A grey-wash photo of two men, one older and one younger, in conversation while looking at a computer. More people can be seen blurred-out in the background at a table.


Never before have four generations been active in organizations. As with any diversity, unless we understand the core values and strengths of others, we are destined to see the downsides of other generations, accusing them of being uncommitted, only interested in self­-gratification, technologically ignorant or dependent. You’ve heard it.



Understand the values and “heroes” of each generation

Specify the strengths and blind spots of each

Create ways for generations to learn from and teach each other

Learn how to manage the differences constructively

Use the wisdom of each generation to redefine the way work is done.

Whether in presentations or consultation, our purposes are to:



Leaders can plan thoroughly, developing the best case for change. Then they are shocked when, with enthusiasm, they announce the change and encounter employees who look like deer in headlights. What has happened? A confusion between “change” and “transition.” Change happens instantly. Transition, more slowly, since it is the human, emotional side of change. Confusion has serious consequences: lower productivity and slower recovery, turnover, survivor guilt, stress, self-absorption. Change as anticipated fails. Lead your organization more smoothly through change. Through consultation and training, learn the phases of transition, the necessary steps in each stage, and how to announce and implement new beginnings.


What can contain and sustain the fiery change that confronts us?
What skills are critical?

In our four decades of organizational development work with over 100,000 people worldwide; we are certain that community is the container for lighting the fire of your greatness and facilitation is the skill. Masterful Facilitation is the ability to read human dynamics accurately and intervene precisely to guide sustainable change. The beginning and/or advanced courses are designed for change agents in many roles: human resources and organizational development professionals, external consultants and trainers, educators and counselors, managers and leaders.



Organizations typically try to fix their problems and heal their wounds by restructuring. That change disrupts people, productivity, and trust in the organization. Sometimes the real issue is a senior leadership in conflict…sometimes, a function or department that’s not pulling its weight…sometimes, a new leader trying to leave his/her mark. UNLESS problems and aspirations warrant the pain of restructuring, the change will not be sustainable. Then ironically, leaders try to fix the first restructure with another restructure.


Let us help you define and create less intrusive changes that target the real issues. If restructuring is necessary, let us help you guide the process to produce positive, sustainable results.


Mergers and Acquisitions have once again resurged. Typically, big companies buy smaller ones to reap the benefits of innovation, agility, and new market share. Do you know that 85% of mergers and acquisitions fail to realize these benefits? Why? Organizations focus on due diligence of monetary assets and ignore people assets.


Trusted leaders, formal and informal, leave. Cultures clash. The past is criticized, not honored. The emotional process is ignored. More talent leaves. Bureaucracy crushes agility.


Our focus is on integration of the people so that you build a stronger organization, resilient and ready for the future.


We use a holistic approach to coaching.


  • Check compatibility between coach and client

  • Understand the big picture of our client’s life (their hopes and concerns)

  • Provide guidance for specific situations (difficult and aspirational)

  • Match our methods to the needs of the client

  • Clarify management/peer expectations for aligned outcomes

  • Observe the client in action at meetings, giving presentations, interacting with peers - situations that will give us information on the client’s strengths and blind spots

  • Schedule phone and face-to-face meetings

  • Are available for emergencies

  • Support the client in summarizing learnings and changes.

  • Meet with our client and their leadership to report progress, check for alignment, and elicit support for the intended changes

We support each person to develop their skills and talents. Our goal is authentic leadership and contribution.

Most companies focus on hiring to create a strong team. Then what?
We help you go from a bunch of people at work -to- people really working together.
Experience the difference of hired vs fired up.

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